A perforation of the ear drum will generally heal without surgery. In some cases, however, instead of normally healing, the skin of the ear drum can grow through the hole into the middle ear.
If infection is present, the skin will continue to grow into the middle ear and will become a tumor of the ear termed a cholesteatoma. Cholesteatomas are NOT a form of cancer. They are benign tumors. As they grow, they can look like an onion peel of white skin formed into a ball.
They can destroy the bones of hearing as they grow, especially when the ear is infected or if water gets into the middle ear with other infections.
Symptoms of cholesteatoma include hearing loss and recurring discharge from the ear. Pus or unpleasant smelling fluids coming from the ear are common. A surgical microscope is necessary to make a proper inspection and cleansing of the condition, especially when there is infection.
A history of recurring ear infections after colds, or the entrance of water into the ear from swimming, require the ear to be examined regularly for this condition.
Cholesteatomas actively erode bone because they contain enzymes which are activated by moisture. In time, cholesteatomas will eventually erode the bone leading into the inner ear. This can cause nerve loss and deafness as well as severe imbalance and dizziness. The thin plate of bone that separates the roof of the ear from the brain can also be eroded by cholesteatomas. This exposes the covering of the brain. In extreme situations, it can lead to brain infection and other severe complications. For the possible origins of cholesteatomas, please click here.
Cholesteatoma is a serious condition and, when diagnosed, requires prompt treatment. Medical treatment concentrates on drying the infection within the ear. Antibiotics, given both by mouth and drops in the ear, combined with weekly cleaning of the ear under the surgical microscope, can clear up the infection