👆LUPUS NEPHRITIS / SLE DISEASE (SYSTEMIC LUPUS ERYTHROMATOUS) ANOTHER AUTOIMMUNE DISEASE, CRITICAL SINCE 3 YEARS CHRONIC PATIENT RESPONDED SUCCEESFULLY WITH IMPROVED BODY RESPONSE BY MODERN HOMOEOPATHY ONLY IN 15 DAYS MIRACALLY WITH HIGH CREATININE LEVEL 3.06 mg/dl to NORMAL 0.84 mg/dl & TOTAL WBC COUNT FROM 10700 / cumm TO 5600 /cummTO SAVE LIFETIME DRUG DEPENDENCY, DIALYSIS & TRANSPLANT.Patient is asymptomatic and living comfortably , still under modern homoeopathic treatment for further recovery. This positive response of Modern Homoeopathy has been also aporeciated by Nephrologist. Regards Aarogya Super Speciality Modern HOMOEOPATHIC CLINIC , Dr.Arpit Chopra Jain (MD Homoeopathy @ Critical & Surgical Disease specialist) , https://www.justdial.com/DT-29YD4NDP & www.homoeopathycure.in / com, www.aarogyahomoeopathyindore.com,
Mob +91-9713092737, 9907527914(whats app no)

August 14, 2019