Ferrum phos
First stage of all inflammatory affections of the heart. Endocarditis, carditis, pericarditis, dilatation of heart or of blood vessels (in alternation with Calcarea fluor., the chief remedy). Palpitation of the heart.
Calcarea phos
Non-closure of foramen ovale. Palpitation with anxiety, followed by trembling weakness. Weak heart action. Sharp pain around heart during inspiration.
Kali mur
For that condition of the blood that favors embolus, which acts as a plug. In pericarditis as a second remedy and it may complete the cure. Palpitation from excessive flow of blood to the heart in hypertrophic conditions.
Kali phos
Functional complaints of the heart, intermittent with palpitation after rheumatic fever with exhaustion. Intermittent action of the heart with morbid nervous sensitiveness, effects of violent emotions, grief or care, weakness of the heart, palpitation from direct excitement, on ascending stairs, with shortness of breath. Palpitation with nervousness, anxiety, melancholia, sleeplessness and restlessness. Fainting from fright and fatigue, from weak action of the heart. Palpitation from slightest mental emotion or walking up stairs.
Kali sulph
Pulse quick with slow, throbbing, boring pain over crest of ilium, disinclination to speak, pallid face. Heart disease causing dropsy also (Kali mur.). Palpitation from effects of heat.
Magnesia phos
Sudden palpitation, when a purely spasmodic affection. Shooting, darting pains in region of heart.
Natrum mur
Palpitation with anaemic conditions, watery blood, dropsical swellings, etc. Palpitation with anxiety, sadness, etc. Rapid, intermittent pulse with morning headache. Hydraemia and scurvy. Fluttering motion of the heart, sense of constriction.
Calcarea fluor
Dilatation, enlargement of blood vessels; chief remedy to restore contractility to the elastic fibres. Dilatation of the heart with enlargement of the organ. Weak action of the heart.